Presented to a NSW-based person, under 35 years of age, who:
- has made a positive difference to the seafood industry
- is committed to effecting positive change through leadership and innovation
- is respected by industry colleagues.
This highly prestigious award is presented to a person who:
- has made a substantial and sustained positive difference to the seafood industry
- has effected positive change through leadership and innovation
- is highly respected by industry colleagues.
Presented to an entity that has demonstrated excellence in developing and maintaining a culture of safety, and that undertook an activity that:
- addressed a high priority safety area or risk
- was end-user driven, and produced outcomes that contributed towards the safety record of the seafood industry
- if appropriate, complied with legislation and/or certified to a recognised safety standard and supported by a formal safety management system.
Presented to a NSW restaurant that:
- consistently maintains the quality of the seafood meals it serves
- consistently meets customer expectations for service
- serves seafood meals that include Australian seafood
- provides customers with accurate information about the seafood components of the meals
- complies with the Australian Standard for Fish Names and, preferably, provenance labelling
- provides an ambience that compliments the seafood meals in providing customers with an overall positive seafood dining experience
- contributes substantially towards a positive public profile for the seafood industry.
Presented to a NSW entity that has demonstrated excellence in developing and undertaking a research, development and extension activity that:
- addressed a high priority for the seafood industry
- was end-user driven, and produced outcomes that contributed towards the sustainability and profitability of the seafood industry
- was challenging, involved technical risk, and required systematic investigation and a high level of innovation to achieve the planned outcome.
Presented to a NSW entity that has demonstrated excellence in developing and undertaking a promotional activity that:
- addressed a high priority for the seafood industry
- was end-user driven and produced outcomes that contributed towards improving the public profile of seafood and/or the seafood industry
- was challenging, required a high level of innovation and direct action to achieve the planned outcome.
Presented to a seafood primary producer that:
- continually demonstrates innovative ways of improving production practices
- produces products that consistently meet customer expectations
- continually improves the delivery and marketing of its products to its customers
- contributes substantially towards a positive public profile for the seafood industry.
Presented to a NSW seafood primary producer that:
- continually demonstrates innovative ways of improving production practices
- produces products that consistently meet customer expectations
- continually improves the delivery and marketing of its products to its customers
- contributes substantially towards a positive public profile for the seafood industry.
Presented to an NSW entity that has demonstrated excellence in developing and undertaking a people development activity that:
- addressed a high priority for the seafood industry
- resulted in more people with higher qualifications or skills working in the seafood industry
- employed innovative ways to develop seafood industry people
- employed innovative ways to attract and/or retain seafood industry people
- was supported by planning, reviewing and continual improvement processes.
Presented to a NSW seafood business involved in any segment of the supply chain that has:
- achieved sustained growth over many years
- produces products and services that consistently meet customer expectations
- continually improves the delivery and marketing of its products and services to its customers
- contributes substantially towards a positive public profile for the seafood industry.
Presented to a NSW entity who has demonstrated excellence in developing and undertaking an environmental activity which:
- addressed a high priority for the seafood industry
- was end-user driven and produced outcomes that contributed towards protecting or rehabilitating aquatic environments, or reducing adverse seafood industry impacts on the environment
- was challenging, required a high level of innovation, and direct action and/or extension to achieve the planned outcome
- involved other users of the environment.